paper flowers

Jamie requested some paper flowers - roses and peonies for a magazine cover shoot whihc features her doll!

Here are the flowers!

blue forget me not and roses pettite wedding bouquet

Jennifer contacted and asked for petite version of my forget me not bouquet -what a stunner this one is :-)

Black paper flowers with red and white accents

Leisa emailed me and asked if I could create something like this for her in black red and white which is tattoed on her.

I am not all a fan of black flower as I do not like black :-) and always hesitate to do it but I found I like this becoz it has the red and white accents in it and took off the entire blackness.When I was in school I remember a flamingo dancer came in a nice red/black and white dress and performed with a fire dancer - this reminded me of it!

Paper Calla lily wedding bouquet for Nicole

Nicole has ordered her bouquet quite a while back and I took a long time to make it-I didnt expect so many orders this year! Thank you so much Nicole for your patience.I do hope you will like the bouquet I made for you.

The bridal bouquet is made up of red paper calla lilies ,since Nicole was so patient :-) I just had to do something extra special.I am not a fan of the green floral tape so I made nice stems for her! Just took more time on it but worth the effort.

I changed my mind soo many time on what color and type ribbon fits what (Sometime I get mad at myself for being so picky) -finally I decided to all RED satin.It was what matched well in the end.

The bridesmaids hold white calla lilies with red wrap and white pins.

Hope she likes it!n

ivory and white wedding bouquet

Celeste has asked if I can modify the bouquet to have only ivory and white -she has a problem on the wedding dress and might be going for another dress- I retied the bouquet and here is the result! Looks fabulous -everything happens for the best -I am already looking forward to seeing the wedding pictures!

Not much light outside these days! What is happening to summer in the East Coast????

Paper poppies on True Wesson

I just happened to browse through my reading list and here is my paper poppies as table decor Check it out on the True Wesson blog !

Pictures courtesy:
Photography, Anna Sawin Photography

wedding stephanotis bouquet

I had an order for a white stephanotis bouquet with crystal encrusted in the centers,I was not quite happy with my taped stems of the bouquet I did last time so I gave a upgrade for Whitney and decided her bouquet will have clay stem too.

The stems add such a natural look to them that I thought I should just wrap with a white ribbon and leave it like a fresh handtied bouquet.Hope Whitney like this :-) idea.

stepahnotis clay wedding bouquet


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