Showing posts with label green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green. Show all posts

large paper flower in green for a green weddings

Cassandra had ordered some large 1 feet flowers which she wanted with a difference she wanted me to mix up 2 tones of green and white petals and create a varigated style of the large paper rose and here is how it turned out!

Clay flowers for weddings

We are now introducing flowers made from an air dried clay.They last very long and make gorgeous flowers.

Here are some calla lilies and roses and a green cymbidium orchids we did.

Paper Flower Bridal Bouquet

For more pictures of another paper flower bouquet see Paper Flower Wedding Bouquet

I got an order from Stephanie through etsy for an order of a green and pink paper flower wedding bouquet of anemones.

Paper Flower Bouquets are becoming more popular as brides use paper flowers as centerpieces,so a paper flower bouquet would match the "Paper" theme.

See another we did of paper roses and calla lillies: more at Paper Flower Wedding bouquets

Just got down to making it and here are the pictures.The bouquet consists of more than a dozen green and pink anemones with some pink,green and white fillers in between.Her wedding colors are seafoam green,mint green and pastel pinks.Hope she likes this!

Pink and green wedding bouquet sampler

I was playing around with colors on an order off an green and pink bouquet,here is the samples for Stephanie.

Paper Orchids

A few days ago I made some white moth orchids and seem to have somehow perfected a very difficult but gorgeous flower I love the most.

These flower can be used as a hair pin,headbands,floral arrangements as a topper on your favor boxes. Paper Orchids


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