The wedding bouquet has orange paper lilies,sangria dahlias,red roses and yellow ranunculus.I added a few green fillers,the bridesmaids are wearing this dress.
The bridesmaids get these bouquet -mix of all the flowers.The corsages has a lily,a rose and ranunculus.The men wear orange paper rose boutonierres!!
AND FINALLY here is the master piece -(I am dreading packing this) the Garland,I went WAY more than them budget but anyway hope it is beautiful enough for the wedding-oh how I would love to get a picture of this on the chuppah :-))
on a side note -the silver vase arrangement is for mediabrandsww for their first anniversary!
The garland consist of large paper roses in sangria,orange large dahlias(a new additon btw) and pops of yellow and red all tied in with dried green salal leaves a total of 10 feet in length.A labor of love..I think it going to be first of many orders to come..imagien other color scheme.I was thinking Jayne can easily take this off the chuppah and use it as a garland to decorate the bride and groom table..
for the reception