Orange Blossoms for a vintage themed wedding

The Orange blossom is the fragrant flower of the Citrus sinensis (orange tree). It is used in perfume making, has been written about as an aphrodisiac and is the state flower of Florida. It is traditionally associated with good fortune and has been popular in bridal bouquets and head wreaths for weddings. Orange blossom essence is an important component in the making of perfume.

I have been often asked to make them and here is my latest set for a bride who is going to be creating a head wreath out of it..

orange blossoms

orange blossoms

orange blossoms

I had created this comb for a similar bride,so gorgeous and elegant.

To order please use my store here Orange blossom hair comb

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome vintage theme wedding! My friend is planning to arrange a bridal shower for her sister. Insisted her to hire one of the best Seattle Wedding venues for the party. Well versed with few quality catering ideas and also a kinky design is in my mind. Will send all the links to her so that she can better make her decision soon.



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