Dahlia wedding cake topper in paper

Clara had emailed and asked for a dahlia and cherry blossom cake flowers in paper,I loved the idea and thought I should take it up even though I have a tight schedule this month!

Here are the picture of a nice orchid tone dahlia and some cherry blossom- the flower are on stems which she is planning to poke into the cake - since I cannot poke into my cake dummy I just arranged them in a bundle.

Hope she like this one!

Lovely Blog Awarded to St Jude's Creations by Cherry Tart design

A one lovely Blog awarded by Cherry Tart Design
Thank you so much!Do check her out at her blog and etsy shop.
We humbly accept the 'One Lovely Blog' Award, and in doing so, post the Rules of Blog Award Acceptance:

1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

And St Jude's Creations Proudly Passes 'One Lovely Blog Award' on to:

more links Coming soon!

1.I'm Still Me Just Better check out her awesome photoart!

2.Just My Thoughts -for great reading!

3.The Blushing Bride - brides steps to her wedding day!

4.designs by bonzie - high fashion

paper lillies for celeste

I have been throughout the other orders working on an order for Celeste - I have gotten through most of the flowers in the order and gearing up to get them together into bouquets!

Anyway here are some picture of lilies she has ordered -so many ideas are going through my head that I need to finalize the design and nail it to one..:-)

Woodland theme bird cake topper nest

This one is super cute -Betty had asked if I could create for her bird theme cake topper - a nest with my cute bird- they are soo cute that sometimes I feel I should keep them for myself to admire (which is crazy I know).Anyway the topper has 2 birds in a mossy nest - I tried several flower combinations and found that the white forget me nots looked best with 2 leaves - would love to get some wedding cake picture back from you Betty!She has ordered 2 gardenias too!

This one is paired with my peonies!

Assorted paper peonies for baccacoed

Lots of happenings - St Jude's featured in a magazine via Dixiepixel -yippee! St Jude's awarded One Lovely Blog award (more to come on that).Just inundated with orders and hence the sparse postings! Anyway I just LOVED how this order came out -my client had asked for assorted peonies in shades of pink -each time I make the peonies I am one step better I feel -this one is one of my best peonies I made- I hope to turn them into arragement when I get breathing time :-) which hardly happens nowadays with all my orders and 2 toddlers (yes 2) in tow:-) so be ready to order pretty early if you need something.

peony and roses

I am not allowed to elaborate on this order:-) This is just for someone to see the order and then this post goes away.

Yellow peonies for Celeste

I am making the order for Celeste ,which is a pretty large order.she has ordered bouquet plus flowers for the reception.Here are some shots of few of the yellow flowers she has ordered.


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