yellow composite flower for Scottee

Scotte sample order for composite peonys

Here is another request for the composite double colored peony,Scottee asked for a sample of primrose yellow/white/grey combinations!

Check it out!

Blue wedding flowers with blue berries

Erin's order is finally done,thank you so much for your patience.I was down sick and hence all orders are delayed a bit...

The groom boutonierre has a blue and white peony with blueberries,green leaves,feathers and more berries,blue and grey velvet leaves cinched with a black satin ribbon.

The fathers have the same combo but tied with a silver mettalic weaved martha stewart ribbon.

The ushers have the same flower with blue berry accent.This is going to be a winter wedding!

The centerpieces are going to be 20 of my large paper flowers in midnight blue!
Erin hope you will sent me pictures!

Gardenia wedding cake topper pictures from Lindsey

Another wedding cake picture post! Lindsey has emailed me and asked me if I could make for her some gardenias for the wedding cake,initially since I was soo booked for Aug/Sept I told her I was not sure then I felt bad (hate dissapointing people)and just some how squeezed her order in and it was well worth it

Photo credits to Michael Gluzman
Wow how lovely does the cake look???? The leaf idea was Lindseys and full credits to her for the idea as it give a fuller and fresher look than the usual plain white ribboned gardenia cake I have seen!

Lindsey is one of the sweetest brides that I have come across ,she sent these pictures of the gardenia cake and her wedding! (most brides in the "after wedding" buzz forget...luckily for me both Christina(see post below) and Lindsey remembered!)

Let me tell how grateful I am to the brides who take the time to mail me the pictures,makes all the late nights sitting up worth it! Thank you Lindsey!
Best Wishes to you and Kam for happily married life ahead.

Photo credits to Michael Gluzman

Anemone wedding bouquet red paper flower poppies

I was "pretty thrilled" to see the wedding pictures of the anemone wedding bouquet I had made for Christina who was so gracious to sent me these.

Valo Photography has done a awesome job on this!

Wow how beautiful does Christina look???,the wedding used lots of handmade elements!
Love how the red pops out in all the pictures

The flower girl held a small purse into which Christina placed the loose flowers.

The close ups!
Very happy day! More pictures to come to stay tuned on other wedding cakes.These pictures would not be possible so a big thank you for the wonderful photographic skills of
Valo Photography Do check them out if you are planning a wedding.

Erin's sampler

Erin has ordered midnight blue and white double colored peonies,here are 2 options!

A Beautiful Handmade Wedding!

Courtney had ordered a paper flower bouquet in Sept.She has a very very lovely blog at CK and Tay showcasing all her handmade DIY projects.She is one of the most "talented" bride I have ever seen! I happen to browse by and chanced on the wedding photos via thier wonderful photographer Jenna and a wedding video!!! check out the wedding bouuqet in the video and check out the song the groom sang for the bride -lovely -how much more can you ask?

The perfect handmade wedding -both of them are musicians.So they gave each guest a hand embossed CD with their music!

The bride and groom were married under a handmade chuppah!

Paper flowers on the cake..

The bride made the headress as well as the shoes!! What more can you ask for!

Here is some eye candy for you!


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